Aprende inglés con Varonas


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Completa el formulario, realiza el test de nivel de inglés online y descubre tu nivel. ¿Te atreves? Es totalmente gratuito y sin compromiso

Para las siguientes preguntas, elija la mejor opción para completar la oración o conversación.

1. __________’s your name? Thomas*

2. __________? I’m from Germany.*

3. Excuse me, how _________ your last name? R-I-L-E-Y*

4. Oh, ____________ are my keys!*

5. ___________ is the school? It’s 50 years old.*

6. Your bag is next___________ the table.*

7. I go to work__________ train.*

8. Mary ______________ in our company at the moment.*

9. _______________ to the cinema.*

10. ______________ at school last week?*

11. We _______________ the film last week.*

12. He___________ tennis with me yesterday.*

13. Where ____________ last summer?*

14. It’s her birthday next week. I_________ her a present.*

15. We usually __________ the shopping in a supermarket.*

16. Do you like Chinese______________?*

17. Can I help you? Thanks, but I’m just___________.*

18. Where ___________ to school?*

19. French ___________ compulsory in English schools.*

20. There are ____________ Spanish speakers in New York.*

21. Would you like ____________ to the theatre tonight?*

22. Do you have any plans for tonight? Yes, we ___________ to the cinema.*

23. My coffee was ___________ yours. I almost burned by mouth.*

24. I don’t think you _________ them.*

25. If my new company is successful, I ___________ employ people to help me*

26. I was saving up __________ a new computer.*

27. I mostly ____________ my friends via email.*

28. I am very ___________ in old cars.*

29. The house will look cleaner when you have finished the ___________*

30. He __________ off his holiday until after the winter.*

31. She ____________obsessed with rock climbing at a young age.*

32. He _____________ me to the first game when I was only 6.*

33. At first I ___________ starting work so early but this has changed.*

34. People ___________ from the illness find it difficult to relax.*

35. You’d better take your coat __________ the weather gets worse.*

36. He realized that he ________ his car keys in the office.*

37. ___________ plans you might have for the weekend, you’ll have to change them.*

38. They _____________ out for a few years before they decided to get married.*

39. We wouldn’t have missed the bus if you ___________ to chat with Mary!*

40. The party was so boring I wish I ________ there at all.*

41. If only you _________ more time to spend with the family.*

42. By the time the guest arrive, we __________ everything for the party.*

43. The police stopped us and said we ________ to enter the building on fire.*

44. The horror movie wasn’t just frightening! It was __________ terrifying!*

45. ____________ the weather was freezing, we decided to go out for a stroll.*

46. Her sister asked Esther where _________ all day.*

47. She advised him ___________ sun cream.*

48. Three motorcyclist are reported to ________ during the flood last night.*

49. I’ll need to have the main hall __________*

50. Lilly is always poking her nose in other people’s business. She’s so ________!*