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Note-taking to write an essay: The best strategy for writing planification

Esquema visual con ideas para escribir un ensayo

Write an essay is something that sometimes can be tough. A good planification is crucial to be succesfull, and fortunatelly there are some strategies and tips that will help you to improve your process and writing skills. Few months ago we already talked about How to Write an Essay from a general point of view, […]

Reading Comprehension Tips and Strategies

libro con tips para mejorar la comprensión lectora en inglés

Tip 1: Active Reading Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the amount of reading you have? Do you ever have trouble staying focused and motivated while reading? Do you sometimes have difficulty understanding and remembering what you read? When using active reading, you retain more when you actively engage and interact with texts. Active reading […]

Recetas en inglés: Aprende cocinando con Varona’s


Test de Nivel Inglés: Gratis y Sin compromiso ¿Quieres saber cuál es tu nivel de inglés? Realiza la prueba de nivel online, totalmente gratuita y sin ningún compromiso, y podrás descubrirlo en pocos minutos. Realizar el test